Thursday, August 26, 2010

Le Cheile - Gaelic Message of Unity

The Irish Gaelic language is one with a rich and tumultuous history. Originally the predominant language of the Irish people, its usage began to decline in the seventeenth century, due to British dominance and its laws that were enacted to promote the English language. After the Famine of 1845-1852, the population of those who spoke Irish Gaelic decreased to 15%.

The Gaelic Revival of the 19th and 20th century promoted the Irish Gaelic language not only in education, but within media and journalism as well. Today, Irish Gaelic is the official language in Ireland and is found across the country in schools, newspapers, media, and public signage.

The popularity of Gaelic has continued among descendants of Irish emigrants across the world, and has become a popular medium in art, music, and design. Particularly among jewelry, Irish jewelry has increased in popularity - particularly Irish wedding rings that display traditional symbols, knots, and designs.

A fine example of Irish jewelry that incorporates the beauty and meaning of the Irish Gaelic language is the Ladies Le Chéile Celtic Wedding Band. This wedding ring for her is available in silver, white gold, and yellow gold, allowing the bride to complement her engagement band and the band of her groom. The world Le Chéile means "together," and this language- and culture-inspired piece is one that will beautifully symbolize the unity and marital bond of the happy couple.

This ring is a beautiful piece that not only honors the special and meaningful bond of two people, but also combines the meaning of "togetherness" in word and art.

To order this beautiful diamond wedding ring with Irish Celtic Jewels, contact us at our online Celtic jewelry store.

Rather order by phone?
Call us from the US on 1-800-781-0904
Outside the US? Phone 00-353-1-2070811

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